“Cirque II” is my latest art doll figure. Like my original “Cirque” she is a fanciful aerial silks acrobat. I enjoy occasionally creating dolls like these that hang rather than sit or stand on a base. They allow for movement to enter into the design. Properly balanced and positioned, a doll like Cirque II can catch the slightest bit of air movement and dance or spin.
I like how this adds another dimension of interest to the piece. It also allows for greater flexibility in display. However, it does provide a unique challenge in the area of photography. Obtaining that crisp and clear photograph of a sculpture that is moving, no matter how slowly, can be vexing.
Thankfully, the dolls are not very large, or heavy. The addition of a couple more strands of mono-filament at strategic locations to tether her in a fixed position seems to be the answer. Trying to give the illusion that she is still moving while she is not was the goal.
Here is a shot of her predecessor…