Each year, the gallery produces a video for each artist for feature show promotion. I’m not a fan of these videos personally, but they are useful on social media. I like my work to speak directly to the viewer, not me. I do my part, and film my video. If you follow the gallery on social media, you may have caught mine. If not, you’re not missing anything if you’re a regular reader here and know what I’m creating anyway.
I do like to produce videos that show my process and techniques. I have been trying to improve taking them as I work. It is a challenge, because you have to stop and start while you are working. I tend to get into a flow when I’m sculpting, and then realize that I didn’t stop to film! I did take a step to help myself improve on this by buying a new work lamp that also serves as a ring light and phone clamp.
Chimera Process
I took some video clips while sculpting the last piece I shared with you, Chimera. I edited these little clips into a short video. Watching a process video can answer many of the common questions people ask me about my work. Is there an armature? How to you attach the eyes? How are the different colors and patterns in the wool achieved? In the video you will see that the answers are: yes, sewn in, and by felting different colors of wool to the surface.
Stop In And See The Show!
Natural Patterns: Flora and Fauna my feature show at the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts with painter Ellie Snow is up through August 26th. Stop in and see all my newest work in person. Perhaps you will find that one of my creatures needs to find a new home with you!