Monthly Archives: December 2024

Merry and Bright!

Last Shopping Day.

I thought I’d share the last few one-of-a-kind ornaments for your merry display, before we put a cap on this year’s gift giving season. Last minute shoppers deserve a good selection too.

anthropomorphic needle felted panda ornament for a merry tree
Panda Santa

Panda Santa is a round little elf with a brightly wrapped gift for someone special.

anthropomorphic needle felted squirrel ornament for a merry tree
Deck The Halls

Deck The Halls is a cheery little squirrel with a festive Christmas wreath. It may be a bad tease to include him in this group, as he sold right after I brought him in to the gallery earlier this week. This is a common occurance this time of the year, especially with seasonal items.

anthropomorphic needle felted deer ornament for a merry tree
Ice Stag

Ice Stag will be heading in to the gallery this morning. He is more of a mythical solstice type creature, and will provide sparkle to any yule display. The Hillsborough Gallery of Arts will be open 10-2 today for those last minute purchases.

anthropomorphic needle felted rabbit ornament for a merry tree

Gathering will also arrive at HGA this morning. This cheery little rabbit is dressed warmly in matching boots, mittens, and scarf. He is gathering holiday greenery with bright red berries in his basket.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I hope you have a wonderful, warm, and cheery holiday. If you are out and about today, stop by HGA and say hello to the gallerists on duty. They will be happy to help you find that perfect hand-crafted item.

I will be back with updates soon. My attention will be turning to items for early 2025 group shows, and my own feature later next year. The first show going up at HGA in January will be a special invitational show with some non-member artist that we admire. So, I will not have any work in that show, but, as always will have work throughout the rest of the gallery. I will share details about the invitational show after it installs in the first week of the new year.

Latest Batch of OOAK ornaments…

Latest Batch, or Last?

As there is still a week until Christmas, I doubt this is my last batch of ornaments for this season. These new One-Of-A-Kind (OOAK) ornaments will be headed to the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts later today. Each is a unique original sculpture. I do repeat themes. Some ideas seem to capture the eye more than others. For example, there was a brown bear on a sled a few weeks ago. This week I created a polar bear cub with a long magenta vintage style hat and scarf piloting a sled. He is titled Polar Slide.

needle felted anthropomorphic polar bear w/sled in new batch of OOAK holiday ornaments
Polar Slide

Earlier, I had a pair of polar bear cubs teamed up to hang a star. This week it is a giraffe who needs no partner to reach the top of the tree. This one is titled No Ladder Needed.

needle felted anthropomorphic giraffe w/star in new batch of OOAK holiday ornaments
No Ladder Needed

Warm Wool is the next OOAK ornament in the batch. I haven’t done a sheep this season. There were others who didn’t really need their winter accessories either, but they look so fetching!

needle felted anthropomorphic sheep w/hat & scarf in new batch of OOAK holiday ornaments
Warm Wool

Also, completely new this season is Checking Santa’s List. This little owl with spectacles is helping out St. Nick. He has his reading glasses on, so he can double check Who! is naughty and Who! is nice.

needle felted anthropomorphic owl w/glasses and hat in new batch of OOAK holiday ornaments
Checking Santa’s List

The last ornament (at least in this batch) is Ornament Care. He is a Male emperor penguin. Ornament Care is protecting an ornate glass ornament in the same manner the male penguins incubate their eggs. They balance the eggs on their feet, and squat down to cover them with their bodies.

needle felted anthropomorphic emperor penguin in new batch of OOAK holiday ornaments
Ornament Care

Coming Soon…

All of these new little friends will be at HGA later today. I’m guessing there will be at least one more posting for the holiday season. Next, we have some group shows for January and February. I will be telling you all about those soon.

Holiday Dance?

The Ornament Cha-Cha.

The dance reference is my attempt to describe the activity in my studio during this time of the holiday season. I am in no way complaining that my one-of-a-kind ornaments are popular. I love that visitors to the gallery seem kind of facinated with these little mini-sculptures. But, I do find myself feeling like I am constantly playing catch up. Needless to say, I have not been creating much else. Some of the ornaments even go in to the gallery without me taking the time to photograph them. I did manage to take a few shots since the pop-up event.

anthropomorphic needle felted pig in a blanket holiday ornament . ornament dance
Pig In A Blanket
anthropomorphic needle felted okapi with scarf holiday ornament. holiday dance
Okapi Holidays
anthropomorphic needle felted mouse with cookie holiday ornament. ornament dance
Was This for Santa?
anthropomorphic needle felted mouse w/antlers holiday ornament. ornament dance

For now, the images will have to speak for themselves. I know this post is a little short, I’m off to dance some more!

Thank you, to all who came out to the Holiday Pop-Up last week. It was a little chilly out in the tent, but the good cheer and great conversations with visitors made it all worthwhile. All of us artist elves have been busy creating. There is still an amazing selection of original art gifts for the holidays and beyond, so stop by the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts if you’re looking for something special.