Featured Artist Show at Hillsborough Gallery of Arts
I snapped a few iPhone images of my newest art doll figure sculptures after installing the show Monday at the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts. The show’s opening reception is this Friday from 6-9pm during Hillsborough’s Last Friday Art Walk. I, personally will not be in attandance at the opening, but please stop by and visit my newest work if you are in town. If, however, you are also not around Hillsborough… Here’s a peek.
A look through the door to the Featured Artist Gallery shows my work along with painting by Linda Carmel, and textile art by Alice Levinson.
Walden Nap looks peaceful on a solitary pedestal in the center of the FA gallery.
Middle grouping of pedestals.
New sculpture, Polly, inspired by a visit to a small pond with a healthy population of tadpoles.
A new look at an earlier piece “Wednesday’s Child”, based on the well known nursery rhyme.
March is walking with a purpose.
Balloon Too wonder and movement in a moment captured from childhood.
My Athena in full battle gear to fight ignorance.
Giving Wing was created for a show earlier this year, and fit in well with my other new pieces.
Hope you get a chance to stop by.
This is one awesome show! The dolls are great, imaginative and creative.