Tag Archives: needle felted wool

Things To Ornament

A Couple of New One-of-a-Kind Ornaments

needle felted anthropomorphic walrus ornament
Two Front Teeth

Ok, so the biologist in me knows that technically, that tusks are elongated canines not incisors, but I just couldn’t resist. More than occasionally I create work just to amuse myself, and this OOAK (one of a kind) holiday ornament does make me smile. He is, of course, named after the holiday novelty song “All I want For Christmas (Is My Two Front Teeth)”. This walrus ornament is needle felted wool with irridecent glass bead eyes, and a blue toque style cap.

needle felted anthropomorphic skunk ornament
Holiday Scented Candle

Holiday Scented Candle is a skunk determined to add pleasing scent to the holiday gathering. She is needle felted wool with black glass bead eyes. She is holding a lit candle (bayberry? pine? cinnamon?) and is wearing a festive purple scarf.

Both of these new ornaments (along with a few more in the works) will be headed to the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts in a day or two. Several of their friends have already found new homes since we installed the holiday show on Tuesday.

Dressed for the Holidays

As I mentioned already, we installed HGA in its holiday finery on Tuesday this week. This is always an interesting gallery hang as so many of us bring in items that are not found in the space at any other time of the year. Two interesting changes visitors will find this year can be found in the very front and very back of the gallery.

HGA Holiday Show Window

Our holiday window is always eye-catching, but this year it features new custom display cubes that allow work to be shown at varying levels. This modular system was designed and fabricated by several of our member artists. Also new in the window is the addition of more lighting that surrounds each window pane. Additionally, we coordinated the work we are highlighting in the windows. You will notice lots of cool white and blue hues in the art. Just behind the art and lights you can see the branches that serve each year as our display of a wide variety of holiday ornament choices. My little fuzzy items can be found on two copper ornament trees. Thank you, Ryann Carey for doing some evening video work!

In our Featured Exhibit room in the back of the gallery you will find our Art of Giving holiday show. The change to this show from previous years is that we’ve hung the art work salon style. This allows for much more work to be displayed, providing our visitors with an even greater variety of choices.

Stop by and check it all out if you can.

mini sculpture tree frog with toad stool hat will debut at night market

Night Market Anyone?

I haven’t done any holiday markets, or fine craft fairs in quite some time. One tends to get a little spoiled being part of a wonderful artist-owned gallery like HGA. But, I will be participating in such a market at Kaleideum Museum in Winston-Salem next Saturday, November 9th from 6-9pm. By day, Kaleideum is a children’s museum, but once a month they host an “After Dark” over 21 event. This month, it is the Night Market. Check out this “After Dark” link for all that is included in the evening’s fun.

graphic for Kaleideum After Dark Night Market 11/9/24 6-9 pm
Kaleideum After Dark “Night Market”

What Is Going To Market?

I will be bringing a selection of my currently available sculptures, and one-of-a-kind holiday items. Many of the holiday items will debut at this market, as we will be installing the gallery holiday show the following week.

Here are a few new things that will be making the trip to Winston-Salem…

mini sculpture tree frog with toad stool hat will debut at night market
Try It On

“Try It On” is the latest of what I sometimes call my minis. He is tree frog with his throat puffed out who is “trying on” a toad stool cap for a hat. Colorful and eye-catching, he sits perched on a natural wood base. He is needle felted wool over a quilt batting core, and has large glass bead eyes. The base is sealed, and “Try” is firmly attached via some glued in toothpick pegs.

Three more one-of-a-kind ornaments emerged from the work table this week. Acorn Gift is a chipmunk with a basket of goodies. Peppermint Cocoa is a mouse dressed for bed with a cup of cocoa and a candy cane. Bling! Mini is a miniture version of a snail I created earlier this year. All are needle felted wool with glass bead eyes and embellishments. Acorn Gift’s acorns are glass beads with felted wool caps.

I also had time to work on a couple more mushroom minis. Meet Mush 7 and Mush 8. Both are needle felted wool with glass bead eyes. Each is secured to a natural wood base with a glued in chopstick dowel core.

Don’t Forget The Trees!

I have also been busy adding to the inventory of my popular felted holiday trees. These feature needle felted wool and crystal beading. They have the same base and core construction as the mushroom minis. The three shown in this photo are new, and they feature a blend of wool from a dark green recycled sweater, and lighter green roving fiber.

mini sculpture needle felted trees
Holiday Trees

If you want to see everything else that will be at the market, you just may have to make the drive out on Saturday. Hope to see you then!

Frog Bag- needle and wet felt evening bag, pond theme, sculpted frog, beaded dragonfly, fully lined with loop and bead closure

Frog Bag and Too Much Garlic?

A Frog Bag for any occasion?

Well, maybe not any occasion. As I get closer to a feature show I usually like to create a few surprises. Over the years themed evening bags have been a fun addition. This year, I created a little rounded bag (recycled from the “teapot” base that my octopus was formerly astride) with a pond theme. I started by creating a color streaked evening sky, and a watery base. I then needle felted several stands of cattails and sculpted a jumping frog in relief. On the back I added a little dragonfly that combines felted wings, a beaded body, and embroidered wing detail.

The bag is finished off with a green fabric lining with a batik pattern, a needle felted clutch handle, and a loop and bead closure. This little bag is just the right size to hold your phone and a few essentials.

Too Much garlic?

In my house, the answer to that question is… Never! But, I am aware that some people do have a lower tolerance level. This little anthropomorphic figure is a continuation of the mini sculptures that I have been making lately. Most to date have been mushroom and flower figures. This little vegitable is also a bit of a departure in size, as he is a bit larger than the other minis. I think I will wait to bring him in for the feature show too as it installs in less than two weeks now. Both garlic and the frog purse will be at HGA then.

Needle felted anthropomorphic garlic figure sculpture
Too Much Garlic?


My show with painter Ellie Snow titled Natural Patterns: Flora and Fauna will be at the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts from July 23rd through August 25th. The opening reception is during Hillsborough’s Last Friday Art Walk on July 26th from 6 to 9pm. Hope you get the chance to stop by!

Loup Nouveau

Art Nouveau Inspiration

I think Loup Nouveau is the last figure sculpture that will be included in my featured artist show. We install at the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts in just a little over a week. Next week, I will share more show specific details, so stay tuned!

His name is Loup Nouveau. He is the next in my series of patterned figures. I captured this rather young looking little wolf mid howl. I adorned him with an art nouveau inspired floral pattern.

needle felted howling wolf art doll figure sculpture with art nouveau inspired floral pattern, titled Loup Nouveau
Loup Nouveau

Loup Nouveau is needle felted wool over an armature I created of wire and quilt batting. For the figure itself, I used natural colored wool fibers. The leaves and flowers are colored wool from various sources. Some I dyed with natural food colors.

Perhaps it is this young pup’s first howling attempt. He certainly appears to be giving it his all. As with my other patterned creatures, I’ve applied them in a manner that I hope flows over the figure. I want them to have a harmony with the form and appear to have grown with the sculpture.

Loup’s eyes which appear blue in the images, are iridecent black glass beads. I prefer, as I have mentioned before, glass beads over more realistic doll making eyes. It is a personal preference. I find that doll eyes tend to cross a bit into the creepy realm for me. Glass beads, as seen in this case, provide the sparkle needed without the creep factor.

Loup Nouveau, and his art nouveau florals will be at the Hillsborough Gallery of Art beginning Monday, September 25. He and all his fuzzy felted friends hope to see you at the opening reception during the Last Friday Art Walk from 6-9 on Friday the 29th. The show will run through Sunday, October 22nd.

Bears and Happy Accidents

Mommy ‘n Me Bears

As I have been prepping sketches for this year’s Featured Artist show, I have been scanning images online. It is something I do in the planning phase of most sculptures I create. As I may have mentioned, I’ve been working on sculptures with multiple animal figures. A cold search for images with 2 or more animals has yeilded many points of inspiration. One image that caught my eye depicts two bears. In the photo, a momma grizzley bear stands on all fours with her young cub presumably along for the ride on her back. The youngest of the two bears looks so very comfortable and content. This is the feeling I strove to evoke in my piece Mommy ‘n Me.

anthropomorphic needle felted bear art doll sculpture, with cub on mother's back
Mommy ‘n Me

The mother bear is needle felted wool over a wire and quilt batting armature form. The young bear is wool over batting, and is felted on to mom’s back. Both bears have hand sewn glass bead eyes.

Happy, But Not Completely by Accident

Last week, I introduced some of my gel plate monoprints. I mentioned it is a process in which you do a lot of learning by doing, seeing what works and what doesn’t. There are a couple of points in the production of each print where you hold your breath… Will the photo-transfer of the lazer print be clear on the plate? Will the whole print come off the plate clean? What will result of the final mixing of the foreground layer and the background colors?… There is a certain amount of variability in each print that is somewhat out of your control. So, it is a moment of surprize each time you peel back your final paper.

One such print I produced yesterday is Flower Print #3. This print has several layers. I pressed a composition of flowers from my garden in a layer of blue and green and pulled off the negative space around them. I then applied a second background layer of yellow and white. Finally, I did a single overprint of yellow on the side facing full bloom. The result is a quite painterly looking print of my flower composition.

3 color original monoprint acrylic on paper using spring flowers - Flower Print #3 - 8x10
Flower Print #3 – 8×10

Additionally, I did a photo-transfer of an image of my sculpture Remember Whales. It is always exciting when the print transfer has a nice crisp impression. I created this print with a mixture of green and blue in the foreground, a white background layer, and just a touch of watercolor to highlight his eye.

3 color monoprint photo-treansfer original in acrylic on paper - based on image of lynn's sculpture
Remembering Whales #1

Both prints are now available at the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts. It will be a bit of time before the bears arrive.

Rabbit Games

… and the Return of the Story.

Some readers out there may remember that The Hillsborough Gallery of Arts sometimes pairs up with talented local authors for a show titled “It’s All About the Story.” This year, we will present volume IX of that series of shows with poet Jaki Shelton Greene. My piece for that show is titled Rabbit Games and Midnight Rainbows.

Rabbit Games and Midnight Rainbows - anthropomorphic art doll figure sculpture featuring a pair of dancing celestial rabbits
Rabbit Games and Midnight Rainbows

The show will be on display at HGA from February 14th through March 26th. There are two events connected with this show. The opening reception will be during the Hillsborough Last Friday Art Walk on February 24th from 6-9, and Ms. Greene will be reading in the gallery on Sunday, March 12th from 4-6 pm.

You can read all about Jaki Shelton Green and her work on the website Jakisheltongreen.com. The HGA artists have primarily created work that responds to a collection of her poems titled Breath of the Song.

The themes and topics of Ms. Greene’s poetry are wide ranging. Some are brutally honest and speak to a wide open audience, others are very intimate and personal. I first read through the collection to see if any topics or titles jumped out at me. Though there is a poem titled Paper Dolls, I felt that would be just a bit too “on the nose” and didn’t want to be overly literal, especially when responding to poetry, So, instead I read through again looking for visual phrasing that spoke to me.

Rabbit Games are born

Within one of several poems in the collection with the title Eva, I came apon the following lines…

and only precede midnight rainbows / we played the games of / rabbits

Instantly, I saw two celestially patterned rabbits dancing in the moonlight, and I started sketching Rabbit Games and Midnight Rainbows. I have to admit that this is one of those pieces where the creator has fallen on love with their creation. I can’t wait until we install the show in a couple of weeks. The two rabbit figures are needle felted wool over a wire and batting armature. They have large glass gem eyes. They stand on their own and support and balance each other.

We hope that you can stop in and check out all the other amazing work in It’s All About the Story Vol IX: Jaki Shelton Green.

Blog note from last post: Ususally art work in a feature show that sells stays with a red dot until the end of the show. However, there was a special request regarding my piece, So Many Questions, so the penguins have already gone on to their new home. My piece “Remember Whales” is serving as a stand-in until the show comes down on February 12th.

Penguin Dressed for New Year

So Many Questions is an anthropomorphic penguin and chick art doll figure sculpture. Needle felted wool over wire and quilt batting armature
So Many Questions

New Show at HGA

The next featured show at the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts is Melting. Melting is the first of two HGA member artist group shows to start 2023. This show’s title is up to the interpretation of the individual artist, but was originally suggested with a nod to the topic of climate change. My piece for the show features an Emperor Penguin and his chick, and is titled, “Too Many Questions.”

Penguin Dad and Baby Wait for Mom

For this sculpture I recalled watching the Oscar winning documentary, The March of The Penguins. One thing that many will remember from the film, is that the male penguins tend to the eggs and hatchlings. Meanwhile, the felmale penguins walk to the coast to fill up on fish immediately after laying their eggs. The mother’s round trip takes about 2 months. During that time, the males huddle for warmth while they incubate the eggs, and then tend the penguin hatchlings. The fathers do provide some early sustanance for the young chicks, but survival ultimately depends on the timely return of the mother.

At the time of the making of the film (2005) the coast was about 70 miles from the Antarctic ice sheet where the Emperor Penguin breed. As the ice sheets recede, the distance to the shore, and sustanence to survive grows. This, in turn, makes the round trip for fish and back grow longer and longer.

In my sculpture, I have anthropomorphasised my young penguin to be at about the level of a human 2 to 3 year old. As any parent will recall, this is a time when, “why” is a favorite question. I envision my young penguin chick to be asking his dad why it is taking mom so long to return.

Show Runs January 10th through February 12th

Check out all of the work inspired by the theme, Melting, at the Hillsborough Gallery this month. The show will be in the Featured Exhibit gallery January 10th through February 12th, with a reception during the Last Friday art Walk on January 27th from 6 to 9pm.

postcard for Melting show at HGA January 2023
Melting Postcard

Already Looks Like the Holidays

Ok, I’m a couple of weeks late this year in typing up a post about the holiday items I have available at the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts. So sorry for the delay, but there is still plenty of time for you to stop by and pick out that special gift or little remenmberance.

Mice are Stirring

For the past few years I’ve created some smaller one-of-a-kind seasonal mice sculptures for the holidays. The former pieces were trios or pairs of caroling mice. This year I chose to create a couple of solo mice figures.

Coco Nightcap anthropomorphic mouse with cup of coco and a nightcap
Coco Nightcap

Coco Nightcap was the first of these two small sculptures. As you can see he was an adorable anthropomorphic mouse figure wearing a nightcap, and holding a steaming mug of coco. I said “was”, as he was purchased and has moved on to a new home.

After Coco Nightcap vacated his pedestal position, his friend For You took over. For You is a seated mouse figure holding out a brightly colored wrapped gift for you. He also features a bright purple knit cap. He is still available as of the typing of this post (in fact, I’m sitting in the gallery looking at him as I write.)

For You is an anthropomorphic mouse holding a brightly wrapped gift and wearing a purple hat
For You

A Forest of Trees

The little needle felted trees I created last year seemed to be a popular choice, so I contunued them this year with the addition of some soft sculpture ones in denim. The new denim trees are hand and machine stitched, and feature hand needle felted “ornaments” on them. The needle felted trees again are snowcapped with white wool, and decorated with hand-stitched glass bead ornaments. All of these tiny trees measure around 9-10 inches tall, and stand on a natural edge wooden base.

A selection of Lynn's trees for the holidays. needle felted wool with glass beads, or upcycled denim with felted embellishment
Holiday Trees

New ornament

In addition to my puffins and polar bears I added some baby harp seal pups. The little bundles of fluff with the big black eyes are perfect for rendering in needle felted wool and glass beads,

baby harp seal holiday ornament
Seal Pup Ornament

A number of my original anthropomorphic needle felted sculptures can always be found at HGA. I also have a few non sculpture pieces like wet felted vessels, felted handbags, and needle felted wool “paintings.” Check out the gallery website for our hours during the holidays.

Needle felted gargoyle figure sculptures serve as protection against ilness, ignorance, and environmental destruction

Gargoyle Trio

In recent weeks I created three gargoyle guardian figures. I’ve had a project at the gallery that has kept me quite busy. So, I’m just now taking the time to share them here with you.

Gargoyles are mythological creatures that serve dual duty in the protection of a building. As part of the roof drainage system, they protect a building from physical water damage. They also serve as guardians against evil. I’ve designed my gargoyles as protection against specific modern perils, with sort of a nod to Norman Rockwell’s 4 freedoms paintings?

Gargoyle Gauardian Illness

Needle felted gargoyle figure sculpture serves as protection against illness (COVID)
Gargoyle Guardian Illness

My Guardian Gargoyle Illness was the first of the three I completed. He has his left paw (claw?) on a stylized version of the Covid-19 virus. Along with all the other protections we can employ against such threats (vaccine, masks, hiygene, etc.) a little supernatural protection certainly can’t hurt. He is needle felted wool over a wire and quilt batting armature with glass bead eyes.

Gargoyle Gauardian Ignorance

Needle felted gargoyle figure sculpture serves as protection against ignorance
Gargoyle Guardian Ignorance

I don’t know about you, but I find myself yelling “READ A BOOK” in my head more often than I like to admit. Perhaps, social media just allows us greater access to more people’s ignorance. However, I don’t think I recall so many proud to celebrate it. My guardian is holding an open book in his lap. I think that I also could have depicted him as a traveler or explorer, as I find seeing other parts of the world and meeting different people are also strong protections against this particular threat. Gargoyle guardian Ignorance features the same constuction as his predecessor with irredecent glass eyes.

Gargoyle Guardian World

Needle felted gargoyle figure sculpture serves as protection against environmental destruction
Gargoyle Guardian World

The last of this trio of gargoyles is guarding the planet earth. He has a daunting endeavor ahead of him. It sometimes seems we humans are determined to ruin our one and only home. This seems all the more crazy given the threats that already exist of the cosmic and natural disaster nature. This guardian is perched atop the globe, and is holding tight with all four claws and his tail. He is similarly constucted as well.

In The Gallery Soon!

The trio of gargoyles will be in the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts soon.

Remembering Whales

I’m of a vintage to be able to remember ‘Save the Whales” as being a thing. I know that the global moratorium on whaling isn’t complete, and doesn’t block all whaling. But, it has allowed many species of whale populations to rebound. Why did I find my self thinking about this the past week or so? It might have some connection to watching my daughter doing some fundraising for Ukrainian refugees at school, and working an internship at a non-profit that deals with poverty issues. It is inspiring to witness empathy and caring. In recalling this rallying cry from youth for people to care about something, I was inspired to bring my own whale to life.

Remember whales -humpback whale art doll figure sculpture. Needle felted wool over batting and wire
Remember Whales

Remember Whales

I’m not sure if some would count him as anthropomorphic or not. I do not have this humpback whale doing something overtly human, and he’s certainly not dressed up. However, I find a certain intelligence expressed by most species of cetaceans. My whale seems ready for a conversation. His bright blue eyes sparkle with knowing, and he is propped up on his fins to look the viewer in the eye. A conversation with this humpback might prove quite embued with humanity

Remembering Whales is needle felted wool over wire and batting. HIs upper coloring is a hand blend of grey and blue fibers. Blue glass beads are sewn and felted in place for his eyes. He will be available at the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts the last week of May.